A bouquet of flowers inspired by bereaved mothers for bereaved mothers.
A florist choice assortiment of whites, greens and soft earthy tones.
$5 from every bouquet will be donated to AmberNT.
Amber NT support Territorians through the unimaginable loss of a child for any reason, from conception to 18. This includes miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, illness, suicide and accident. Navigating the world with the loss of a child is challenging in many ways and the ripple affect through the community is significant. We are here to support everyone, no matter what your relationship is to the child.
The support we offer is non-clinical and free. We are here to listen, support, remember, create memories, educate and advocate. Amber NT also visit workplaces to provide training on how to support others.
Given that flower and foliage stock is seasonal and subject to availability, orders may include equivalent substitutions and vary from what is depicted in the product photo
Please note for hospital orders you will need to order flowers in a vase or jar arrangement. Bouquets are no longer accepted at the hospital.?